News And Events

With a team of dedicated anesthesiologists, working in close cohesion with the surgeons; this department takes care of surgical patients with anesthesia needs.

Blood Gas Analyzer

We would like to inform , we have started Blood Gas Analyzer service at our hospital for better patient care.

Blood Gas Analyzer :-An arterial blood gas test measures the amounts of arterial gases, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. An ABG test requires that a small volume of blood be drawn from the radial artery with a syringe and a thin needle, but sometimes the femoral artery in the groin or another site is used.

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ईशान बाल तथा महिला अस्पतालको २८ औं साधारणसभा सम्पन्न

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ईशान बाल तथा महिला अस्पताल र शिखर इन्स्योरेन्स बीच सम्झौता

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ईशान बाल तथा महिला अस्पताल र शिखर इन्स्योरेन्स बीच सम्झौता

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