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With a team of dedicated anesthesiologists, working in close cohesion with the surgeons; this department takes care of surgical patients with anesthesia needs.

“13th World Pneumonia Day”

“Stop pneumonia/ Every Breath Counts”

Pneumonia is the single biggest infectious killer of adults and children – claiming the lives of 2.5 million, including 672,000 children, in 2019.

Deaths from COVID-19 will add two million more in 2020, bringing the total to more than four million. No other infection causes anywhere near this burden of death.

Ishan hospital – july 19, 2024
"13Th World Pneumonia Day" 1
Ishan hospital – july 19, 2024
"13Th World Pneumonia Day" 2

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ईशान बाल तथा महिला अस्पतालको २८ औं साधारणसभा सम्पन्न

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ईशान बाल तथा महिला अस्पताल र शिखर इन्स्योरेन्स बीच सम्झौता

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ईशान बाल तथा महिला अस्पताल र शिखर इन्स्योरेन्स बीच सम्झौता

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